Q: Is this a touch screen?
A: Yes, it has been tried and tested for years and has passed many vigorous tests.

Q: Do we have to update our box after so many times it has been used?
A: No, you can use this as many times as you like, there will be no prompts for an update and will never time out.

Q: Can i save eeprom files?
A: Yes, there are no restrictions, you can even label them using the full screen keyboard. Save to any filename that you wish.

Q: Are updates expensive?
A: We try to keep updates as affordable as possible .

Q: How often are updates available?
A: We update very regular, meaning that you do not have to wait a long time.

Q: What if there is a car that is not on the system and you really need to do this car?
A: If you can read and send us the file, we will try and calculate it for you.

Q: Really, how reliable is this machine?
A: This has been tested extensively and has not let us down yet, all components used are of industry standard built to EU specification.

Q: Is this tool temperarure sensitive?
A: No, this will work in any temperarure hot or cold, and does not freeze up.

Q: What if i drop and crack the screen?
A: We always carry spares and can have a replacement fitted fast .

Q: What if i do not update, but want the free updates that are released, can i still have them?
A: Of course, you are not obliged to update, so the free updates will still be free.